viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Mom, I want to be an artist

A blog post for parents

A phrase that has passed from generation to generation until our days. Today, a wide variety of our young people have changed the goal of their dreams: Mom, I want to be Youtuber. They are fascinated with the possibility of becoming famous and rich doing what they like best. It may seem that it is written in a very way but that is not the intention.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that it is a motivation after all and that, as such, we must adopt it as an advantage, the main advantage. We can use it to direct the young towards a better preparation. Even we realize that a youtuber has other characteristic that is a very important competition for any future work: the gift of communication. In addition, they discover that they must be sensitive to the opinions of others as a mean to improve.

On the other hand, there are several disadvantages. They think that they can become youtuber in a simple way and without apparent effort. And yes, many times they just see that that they have to enjoy a lot of time in front of the computer playing and without knowing everything it is needed to prepare a good entertainment program. Furthermore, they are not aware of the difficulty of triumphing in any discipline and the number of people who are trying the same thing.

So, if you manage to drive that motivation making them understand that with effort and preparation they can achieve everything they set out to do, we will be willing to be told: Mom, I want to be… even Youtuber!!!

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